In this video is on hip stretch for piriformis and hip joint flexibility. It is a safe and effective hip stretch to improve the flexibility of the hip and surrounding hip muscles.  This hip stretch an help relieve low back pain, sciatica, pain in knees, patellar tendonitis, ITB syndrome, and some hip pain issues.   This is also a great stretch to improve flexibility of the IT band and prevent running related injuries like arthritis in the kneeIt's important to make this exercise part of you daily stretch routine.
Easy hip stretch to open up the hip joint and muscles. I am really emphasizing hip openers for anyone looking to improve their running performance and injury free running. This is a great stretch that stretches both hips in multiple planes and specially great for opening up the hip joint for better movement and preventing running foot injuries. A must after you finish your run or other athletic activities.  Most of us sit too much and over time tend to get stiffer and stiffer through the hips often leading to lots of problems like low back pain, knee pain, sacroiliac joint pain, hip pain, etc. You don’t need anything fancy, I am using a picnic bench and it works great.
In this video I will show you how to treat the shoulder pain injury and rehab the shoulder with shoulder strengthening exercises. I want to add another exercise in for the rowing exercise that we talked about for shoulder girdle strengthening.   This is a great exercise for front shoulder injury treatment and shoulder muscles pain prevention.  I like this one because you are really kicking in your leg muscles also, your abdominals and your core muscles. This really makes it a dynamic exercise and it’s one of my favorites. I think it will really add on to the other exercises we talked about.  This exercise helps strengthen the shoulder rotator cuff muscles, scapular muscles and treats shoulder pain injury.
In this video I am going to show you a quadriceps muscle, quadriceps tendon stretch and mobilization for knee pain and tightness.  This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the knee secondary to quadriceps tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, runners knee pain, running knee pain, tendinosis, following surgery or strain often due to sports injuries or trauma.  It’s a great self acupressure technique too. You can use one or two balls to improve the flexibility of the muscles, tendons and fascia.

This is cool technique to do self acupressure and stretch the upper back or thoracic spine joints to get rid of neck and upper back pain. Anyone spending long hours on the computer, or with rounded posture and upper back stiffness can benefit from this stretch. The wedge used for stretching is a Kaltenborn mobilization wedge and works really well for improving flexibility of the spine. Remember to make sure not to overdo it or put too much pressure on the spine. Stretch for about a minute at a spot and move to the next location. Don't use the wedge on the neck or the low back.